Ideal for high-volume extractions such as vegetable proteins, wood chips, ground stumps, bagasse, citrus fibers or other products that drain well, the Crown Model III Percolation Extractor is a continuous-loop, counter-current, shallow-bed extractor that’s extremely reliable and forgiving—even under adverse conditions.
Using solvent to dissolve oil or other extracts from the prepared material, the Crown Model III’s continuous-loop design is the most efficient method for extracting components from a wide variety of materials. The unique shallow, wide and long flake bed promotes excellent solvent contact, percolation and rapid drainage, allowing more complete extraction for the widest possible range of products. The Model III has even been used as a reactor with co-current and counter-current washes in the same extractor.
- Consistent product quality
- For slow draining soft materials
- Reduced solvent usage
- Low solvent carryover reduces both steam and hexane consumption in the Desolventizer-Toaster
- Lower power requirements
- Excellent component life
- Ease of operation
- High operating capacity
- Flake bed is turned completely over, which allows solvent to contact flakes from all sides
- Self-cleaning drainage screens—stationary, V-bar screens are swept clean by the continuously moving bed of material
- Underside coatings to keep screens clean longer
- Improved and reliable underscreen wash
- Incline of chain before discharge minimizes possibility of solvent overflow to Desolvenizer-Toaster
- Continuous discharge of flakes improves desolventizer performance
- Easy to assemble, expand or relocate