As Crown closely monitors the developing global health crisis, we are taking significant safety measures, internally and externally, to prevent transmission of the coronavirus disease.
In all CPM – Crown locations worldwide, we have implemented an Infectious Disease Control Policy that includes elimination of nonessential domestic and international travel; work-from-home arrangements when possible; and, quarantine guidance for employees who are ill. Employees who continue to work in our facilities are practicing stringent sanitation and social distancing. We have closed our facilities to most visitors, and all essential visitors are being screened with questionnaires.

We are aware that in some areas, health and safety officials have issued orders directing individuals to shelter at their place of residence. As you may be aware, these orders do not apply to persons performing certain essential critical infrastructure business activities and work. Around the world “Essential Critical Infrastructure” businesses include many of Crown’s customers. As defined by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security CISA, “Essential Critical Infrastructure” businesses include Food and Agriculture workers who support the manufacture and maintenance of equipment and other infrastructure necessary to food production, Support Activities for Animal Production, Support Activities for Crop Production, Other Food Manufacturing, Beverage Manufacturing, Grain and Oilseed Milling, Biomass Engineering, and Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.
As an essential supplier to Animal Production, Food Manufacturing, Beverage Manufacturing, Grain and Oilseed Milling, & Biomass Engineering, Crown plays a critical role in the global food and energy supply chain. We will continue to serve the vital work of our customers while adhering to our Infectious Disease Control Policy and the requirements of governments our operating locations.
While we remain vigilant in preventing the spread of disease among our team, we realize that your business must continue to operate, and we are here to help. Our team remains available to assist you with equipment service & project support. We feel that together we can find creative ways to engage and utilize all resources to accomplish your goal. Our experienced and qualified staff can talk customers’ teams through repairs over the phone, via video conference, or through other communications tools. We are already in contact with customers scheduled for service visits to determine needs. If necessary, our team can and will travel to customer sites to service equipment. Here are the precautions we’re taking when we do:
- Whenever possible, we will drive instead of fly.
- We will limit the number of service people visiting a location at one time.
- When we visit customer sites, we will follow CPM – Crown’s protocol for social distancing, PPE, sanitization, and hygiene, in addition to whatever policies those businesses have adopted.
Be assured that Crown will continue to closely monitor this rapidly changing situation and adjust as necessary, while at the same time remaining committed to you and your business.